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Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 780

Use the proper form:

1. Bill works here, ... ? - Yes, he (work) here for five years already.

2. You (see) this film? - Oh, no. I (see) it by the end of the week.

3. Where you {make, do) the report today? - At the (student's, students') conference.

4. (All time, every time, still, yet) I see her, she (look) different.

5. Your boss will be angry (at, about, with, on) you if you (be) late for the office again.

6. You (may, might, can, must) not let him talk to you like that.

7. How are you? - I am (nice, fine, good, right). Thank you.

8. He (speaks, tells, talks, says) he studies at Moscow University.

9. My watch (stop) so I didn't know the right (time, hour, o'clock, moment).

10. She is clever (also, too, either, enough) to do this work (herself, hers, himself).

11. Does Mike sometimes (come, go, arrive, visit) to your place?

12.1 don't want (anything, something, nothing) to eat. (Will, shall, should) you give me two (coffee, coffees), please?

13. If I (see) John tomorrow, I will tell him (a, the, -) truth.

14. When are you going to finish this test? - I (finish) it already.

15. When I arrived at the party, Tom (go) home already, but some guests still (dance).

16. The children (swim) for half an hour when the storm began.

17. Could you ask when Ann (arrive)? - O.K., but I know that she (not, arrive) yet.

18. There weren't any other questions to him, ...? - Oh, he (ask) a lot of questions by his colleagues.

19. The doctor just (sent) for. Before he (come), I (not, take) any medicine.

20. Scaryna Avenue is the (beautiful) street in Minsk. It is much (wide) than many (other, another, others) streets in the city,

21. She speaks English (good) than I do, but she (not, know) German at all.

22. Yesterday I (must) to get up at 6 o'clock. I (be to) be at work at 7 a.m.

23. Tom asked me, "How did you spend your weekend?" (in Reported Speech)

24. I asked them, "Did you see the film 'Gone with the Wind'?" (in Reported Speech)

25. In our country (the, a, -) children go to school on (a, the, -) 1st of September.

26. Chocolate first (come) from ... Central America where (a, the) Aztecs (live).

27. Do you like (a, the, -) black coffee? - No, I prefer to have (a, the, -) tea.

28.We (arrive) in England in the middle of July. We (tell) that England (shroud) in fog all year round. We (be) quite surprised to find that it merely (rain) from early morning till late evening every day. So we (had to, could, might) carry our umbrellas everywhere.

29.The documents (sign) by the president of the company? -Yes, they (lie) on the table. You (may, must, could) take them.

30. All these business letters (answer) by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I (must, can, may) remember to post them.

31. Everybody is busy as the welcoming party (prepare) in honour of the distinguished visitors. They (be to, have, can) arrive in an hour.

32. A new metro line (construct) in our city now. One of its stations (build) in our street soon.

33. If Paul (not, be) at home, we (leave) a message for him.

34. When we arrive, the concert already (begin). We (had, may, will have to) take a taxi not to be late.

35. Tom is upset because he (not, pass) his exams.

36.- Look! Somebody (try) to open the door of your car. - Oh! I (not, see) anybody.

37. Can you help me, please? I (look) for my glasses. I (lose) them somewhere.

38. Many experiments (hold) in our laboratory this month. The results (publish) soon.

39. The students (examine) now. They (examine) since morning.

40. The secretary said that the manager (come) already. He (work) in his study.

41. I asked a policeman how I (can) get to London University. I (show) the way there.

42. We (must, could, need) not hurry. We have enough time left.

43.1 (mustn't, may not, not to be able to) translate this article tomorrow. So I (do) it now.

44. Don't worry. The situation isn't so hopeless. It could be much (hopeless).

Respond to the following:

45. How's life? a) I'm sorry to hear it.

46. Give me a pen, please. b) The same to you.

47. It was a pleasure to talk to you. c) Fine. Thanks.

48. My mother is ill. d) Nothing to boast of.

49. How are you getting on? e) The pleasure was mine.

50. A happy weekend to you. f) Here you are.

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