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Îñíîâí³ ìåòîäè÷í³ ïðèíöèïè ïðîâåäåííÿ ðåã³îíàëüíèõ ðîá³òÄàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-08-30; ïðîñìîòðîâ: 748
Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: A 1. I work at a large factory that makes furniture for export. 2. Look at this building – this is our main office. 3. Behind the building there is a parking lot where our employees park their cars. 4. All the employees in our office speak one of the European languages. 5. We usually communicate with our foreign partners by fax. 6. I often speak on the phone with our partners abroad / our foreign partners. 7. This month is / has been very busy. 8. I must call / phone / ring up Collins and Sons tonight / this evening. 9. This firm would like to make a contract with us for office furniture. B 1. – What does your company sell / trade in? – We sell / trade in cars and trucks / lorries. 2. – What countries do you do business with? – We do a lot of business with different foreign firms. 3. – Do you get enquiries from German firms? – Yes / We do. Last week our director was going through the morning mail when there was a call from a German firm (businessman) / when a representative from a German firm called / rang up / phoned. 4. – Has your director met him? – Right now / Just now our director is receiving him in his office. The visitor is going through some price-lists. They are discussing the terms of payment and delivery. We are going to make a contract with them in a month. 5. – Who is going to translate during the talks? – My friend is. He speaks German wonderfully. He did well at school, and two years ago he took private lessons. Now he is an excellent interpreter. / He can translate / interpret very well. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. a meeting on Saturday – ñîâåøàíèå â ñóááîòó 2. a private parking lot – ÷àñòíàÿ àâòîñòîÿíêà 3. an enquiry for furniture – çàïðîñ íà ìåáåëü 4. an office on the third floor – îôèñ íà òðåòüåì ýòàæå (AE, BE – íà ÷åòâåðòîì ýòàæå) 5. between one and two o’clock – ìåæäó ÷àñîì è äâóìÿ 6. catalogues and price-lists – êàòàëîãè è ïðåéñêóðàíòû 7. eight hours a day – âîñåìü ÷àñîâ â äåíü 8. Germany and other countries – Ãåðìàíèÿ è äðóãèå ñòðàíû 9. in time for work – êàê ðàç ê íà÷àëó ðàáîòû 10. much sunshine – ìíîãî ñîëíöà 11. the price for these goods – öåíà íà / çà ýòîò òîâàð 12. to communicate by fax – ñâÿçûâàòüñÿ ïî ôàêñó 13. to discuss terms of payment and delivery – îáñóæäàòü óñëîâèÿ ïëàòåæà è ïîñòàâêè 14. to do business with foreign firms – çàêëþ÷àòü ñäåëêè / òîðãîâàòü ñ çàðóáåæíûìè ôèðìàìè 15. to go through letters and cables – ïðîñìàòðèâàòü ïèñüìà è òåëåãðàììû 16. to make a contract with the suppliers (ïîñòàâùèêè) – çàêëþ÷èòü êîíòðàêò ñ ñ ïîñòàâùèêàìè 17. to read a lot – ìíîãî ÷èòàòü 18. to sell power equipment – ïðîäàâàòü ýíåðãåòè÷åñêîå îáîðóäîâàíèå 19. to speak at the meeting – âûñòóïàòü íà ñîáðàíèè 20. to the right of the window íàïðàâî îò îêíà Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. What equipment does the factory make? 2. What would we/you like to know? 3. How does he communicate with different companies? 4. They can have talks with foreign businessmen in different languages, can’t they? 5. Does their office buy or sell goods? 6. When did you buy their mining equipment? 7. Who has their catalogues and price-lists? 8. Were they discussing the terms of payment with Mr Smith? 9. What was he interested in? 10. How many enquiries were there on her desk? Lesson 6 – Test 1 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. They often have talks with foreign firms. 2. Our office shipped this equipment last month. 3. Have you received / got our catalogues and price-lists? 4. Let us know how many cars you can sell us this month. 5. We are interested in buying some of your goods. 6. These goods have been in great demand lately. 7. We would like to offer you this equipment on c.i.f. terms. 8. Let us know when you will be able to / can ship the goods. 9. And what are your terms of delivery? 10. I would like to contact my people (=the people in the company) and let them know your answer. 11. We have never done business with that firm. 12. What countries have you done business with lately? èëè What countries have you made / signed (concluded) contracts with lately? 13. We last met their representative / the representative of their firm a month ago. 14. Let them know that their terms are not acceptable (=are unacceptable) to us. 15. They haven’t had talks with British firms lately. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 7. a new model – íîâûé îáðàçåö / ìîäåëü / ìàðêà / òèï 8. acceptable terms – ïðèåìëåìûå óñëîâèÿ 1. an offer of power equipment – ïðåäëîæåíèå íà ýíåðãåòè÷åñêîå îáîðóäîâàíèå 2. necessary catalogues – íåîáõîäèìûå êàòàëîãè 3. terms of shipment – óñëîâèÿ îòãðóçêè 4. to accept goods – ïðèíèìàòü òîâàð(û) 5. to be in demand – ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ñïðîñîì 6. to be interested in somebody’s goods – áûòü çàèíòåðåñîâàííûì â ÷üèõ-òî òîâàðàõ 7. to contact the supplier – ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ ïîñòàâùèêîì 8. to have talks – âåñòè ïåðåãîâîðû 9. to make an appointment – íàçíà÷èòü âñòðå÷ó 10. to offer goods on f.o.b. terms – ïðåäëàãàòü òîâàð(û) íà óñëîâèÿõ ôîá 11. to reduce the prices – ñíèçèòü öåíû 12. to ship the goods – îòãðóçèòü òîâàð(û) Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. What firm have you done business with? 2. When were their products in great demand? 3. They cannot sell us their equipment at this price, can they? 4. How much equipment has your office sold? 5. What enquiry did she send to "Blake&Son"? 6. In whose mining equipment are we/you interested? 7. Why did they prefer our equipment? 8. Do his working hours begin at 9 or 8 o’clock? Lesson 6 – Test 2 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. How many enquiries from foreign firms have you received this month? 2. How many representatives of foreign firms did Mr Petrov receive last week? 3. We haven’t done business with this firm since we sold them raw materials. 4. Don’t let them make the contract. The terms of payment are not acceptable to us. 5. Have you received our price-list yet? – Yes, we have. But we haven’t studied it yet. 6. How many boilers do you require? 7. The Seller didn’t reduce the price because their equipment is in great demand. 8. We can offer you our goods on c.i.f. terms. 9. If you’re interested in buying our goods we can promise you shipment in August. 10. Is the time of appointment convenient to you? 11. We were discussing the terms of payment when a representative of the firm called. 12. At what price does your firm sell the equipment? 13. Contact your people and let us know when we must ship the goods. 14. The company has done well lately. 15. Why are their cars of a new model in great demand in Asia? 16. We’re going to make a contract with them in a month. 17. Ask them not to ship the equipment f.a.s. Azov. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. an appointment with the british businessman – (äåëîâàÿ) âñòðå÷à ñ áðèòàíñêèì êîììåðñàíòîì 2. growing demand – ðàñòóùèé ñïðîñ 3. high prices – âûñîêèå öåíû 4. necessary materials – íåîáõîäèìûå ìàòåðèàëû / äîêóìåíòû 5. time of shipment – âðåìÿ îòãðóçêè 6. to accept a price – ïðèíèìàòü öåíó 7. to be interested in buying something – áûòü çàèíòåðåñîâàííûì â ïîêóïêå ÷åãî-ëèáî 8. to contact the buyer – ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ ïîêóïàòåëåì 9. to go sightseeing – îñìàòðèâàòü äîñòîïðèìå÷àòåëüíîñòè 10. to have a talk – âåñòè áåñåäó 11. to offer equipment at the price of ˆ… – ïðåäëàãàòü îáîðóäîâàíèå ïî öåíå … åâðî 12. to offer goods on f.a.s. terms – ïðåäëàãàòü òîâàð(û) íà óñëîâèÿõ ôàñ 13. to ship the goods in time – îòãðóçèòü òîâàð(û) âîâðåìÿ 14. unacceptable terms – íåïðèåìëåìûå óñëîâèÿ Assignment 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form: 1. Russia does business with different countries of the world. 2. – Where are the materials for the talks? – I think Mr Bunin has taken them. He came to the office five minutes ago. 3. When I came into our office they were discussing the terms of payment. 4. Good afternoon, Mr Smirnov. This is Petrov of Avtoexport speaking. We have seen your new model of cars lately and we are interested in buying some of them. Can you send us your catalogues? 5. – When did you sell raw materials to this company? – They bought raw materials from us last month. 6. I’m afraid Mr Green cannot receive you now. He is having talks with foreign businessmen. Assignment 4. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. Who is she going to contact tomorrow? 2. When can the supplier ship the goods? 3. What were they discussing when the secretary brought the mail? 4. Whose offer of power equipment has the firm accepted? 5. Did we/you buy their mining equipment two or three years ago? 6. Why must we/you ship our/your goods in April? 7. They have sold us their raw materials at a very high price, haven’t they? 8. How many trucks of a new model does the firm require? Lesson 7 – Test 1 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. Our trade contacts with different countries are developing from year to year. 2. – When can he give us his final reply? – The day after tomorrow, through Internet. 3. Industrial countries usually export manufactured goods and import raw materials and foodstuffs. 4. Have the buyers cleared up the time of shipment yet? 5. Is your company going to sign the agreement with Rosno for the purchase of electronic equipment? 6. Contact Mr Green and let us know what consumer goods he requires. 7. Ask Mr Brown not to sign the agreement for the sale of boilers. 8. We won’t sell our goods at such a low price. 9. We didn’t conclude a contract with the German firm in summer because their terms of payment weren’t acceptable to us. 10. – When will the talks be over? – I believe they’ll be over in an hour. 11. When I came into / entered the boardroom, the representatives of the two companies were discussing the terms of delivery. 12. We haven’t received any enquiries from the company since 2006. 13. We are interested in developing trade relations / contacts with your company because your consumer goods are in great demand in Russia. 14. We accept your offer, but I’d like to clear up some points in advance. 15. – Shall I give you Mr Gray’s phone number? – Do, please. 16. Let them go to the exhibition of the new equipment tomorrow. There will be a lot of representatives of foreign firms there. 17. There will be a new business park in our city in two years. 18. – I think we’ve done good business, Mr Tanin. – Quite so, Mr Mitcham/ Mitchem/ Mitchum . Will you join me for dinner tonight? – Yes, with pleasure / I’d love to. Assignment 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form: A: What sort of questions do you think they will ask me at a job interview? B: The same as they asked me. They will ask you why you want to work for them. A: That’s easy. I want to earn more money. B: Yes, but you can’t say that. You will have to think of some better reasons. A: I can’t think of any just now, but I expect I shall / will think of something at the time. B: I’m sure you will. What time is the interview? A: It’s at one in the afternoon. B: Good luck. Everything will be OK! A: When shall / will I know I’ve got the job? B: They will let you know in a couple of days. Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. What would you like to clear up? 2. For what time shall I make an appointment with them? 3. What helped Germany to have good profits last year? 4. On what terms does this office usually buy goods? 5. Our office has signed contracts with two new French firms this month. 6. Who will they buy gas from? / From what company will they buy gas? 7. Will the goods be ready for shipment on Monday or on Tuesday? 8. They bought some power equipment from Oilmax two years ago at very good terms, didn’t they? 9. Do they do business with countries all over the world? Lesson 7 – Test 2 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. My elder brother Victor started (set up / founded) DontechPribor (DonPribor) 15 years ago. 2. The company exports and imports high technology equipment. 3. We develop trade contacts with European and Asian countries. 4. We do business with such countries as Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Turkey and China. 5. Our trade contacts with German and Dutch firms are developing from year to year. 6. We have concluded a lot of contracts with them lately. 7. My brother would like to do more business with Austrian firms. 8. He left for Vienna two days ago. 9. He is staying at the hotel in the centre of the city. 10. My brother is going to clear up a few points concerning a new contract. 11. I think Victor will also meet potential business partners from Linz. 12. I hope they will accept our offer and will be interested in developing trade contacts with DontechPribor (DonPribor). Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. to be ready by 5 o’clock – áûòü ãîòîâûì ê 5 ÷àñàì 2. to come back in a week – âåðíóòüñÿ ÷åðåç íåäåëþ 3. to conclude contracts – çàêëþ÷àòü êîíòðàêòû 4. consumer goods – ïîòðåáèòåëüñêèå òîâàðû 5. to export goods – ýêñïîðòèðîâàòü òîâàðû 6. final reply – îêîí÷àòåëüíûé îòâåò 7. from year to year – èç ãîäà â ãîä 8. to import goods from Japan – ââîçèòü òîâàðû èç ßïîíèè 9. to join somebody for lunch – ïîéòè ñ êåì-òî íà îáåä 10. raw materials – ñûðü¸ 11. trade relations – òîðãîâûå îòíîøåíèÿ Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. When will the contract be ready? 2. Who / What company have they concluded a trade agreement with this week? 3. Whose son will go to college next year? 4. Is our/your director leaving for London or for Hamburg soon? 5. Did the prices seem acceptable to them? 6. We are developing a free market economy, aren’t we? Lesson 7 – Test 3 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. My elder brother Sergei has lived in several countries abroad. 2. He graduated from the best technical university in Russia 15 years ago. 3. He wanted to get international experience in car making. 4. Sergei is now with AvtoVaz, the firm that makes Ladas. 5. For many years the company has tried to develop trade contacts with different countries. 6. They exported the Samara model to Britain in the mid-nineties. 7. Unfortunately, they only sold 6,000 cars there. 8. AvtoVaz would like to develop trade contacts with different countries in Western Europe. 9. They have developed a new model – the Lada Kalina. 10. The company representatives are having talks with British businessmen in London now. 11. They are going to discuss the terms of payment and delivery with the British businessmen. 12. They hope to conclude contracts for the sale of their cars in Britain. 13. They also hope there will be a demand for the Lada Kalina in the UK. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. business relations – äåëîâûå îòíîøåíèÿ 2. contract for the sale – êîíòðàêò íà ïðîäàæó 3. high technology – âûñîêèå òåõíîëîãèè 4. manufactured goods – ïðîìûøëåííûå òîâàðû 5. reply through Internet – îòâåò ïî èíòåðíåòó 6. the day after tomorrow – ïîñëåçàâòðà 7. to call for somebody at the hotel – çàéòè çà êåì-òî â ãîñòèíèöó 8. to clear up a few points – âûÿñíèòü (óòî÷íèòü) íåêîòîðûå âîïðîñû 9. to do business with Asian countries – âåñòè òîðãîâëþ ñ àçèàòñêèìè ñòðàíàìè 10. to export goods to European countries – âûâîçèòü òîâàðû â åâðîïåéñêèå ñòðàíû 11. to import goods – èìïîðòèðîâàòü òîâàðû 12. to leave Moscow for St Petersburg – óåçæàòü èç Ìîñêâû â Ïåòåðáóðã Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. What contract has our/your company signed? 2. Where will he go next Sunday? 3. What day will they make an appointment for? 4. How will they communicate with us? 5. There will be a new hospital in our district next year, won’t there? 6. Are they going to sign a contract for raw materials with a German or French firm?
Lesson 8 – Test 1 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. Donchem, based in Rostov-on-Don, exports chemicals to different countries and imports chemical equipment from Germany and England. 2. Their trade contacts are developing from year to year. 3. Their goods are in great demand both in Russia and abroad. 4. They receive a lot of enquiries for their goods / products and have made / have had good profits lately. 5. Last week they received an offer of chemical equipment from a British firm and decided to place an order with it. 6. Their representative had booked a seat for a plane to London before he reserved a room at the Park Hotel. 7. Right now Mr Kazak is at the airport. 8. He has already registered his ticket and filled in a declaration. 9. He is waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. 10. It is a direct flight and it will take him about three hours to get to London. 11. Mr Kazak is going to sleep in the plane as he didn’t have much sleep last night. 12. He has been very busy for two days packing and preparing the necessary materials. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. morning flight to New York – óòðåííèé ðåéñ äî Íüþ-Éîðê 2. packet of cigarettes – ïà÷êà ñèãàðåò 3. people in the waiting-room – ëþäè / ïàññàæèðû â çàëå îæèäàíèÿ 4. show somebody the way (to the airport) – ïîêàçàòü äîðîãó (ê àýðîïîðòó); óêàçàòü, êàê ïðîéòè ê … 5. things to declare – âåùè, êîòîðûå ñëåäóåò çàäåêëàðèðîâàòü 6. to arrive in Paris – ïðèáûòü â Ïàðèæ 7. to book tickets in advance – çàêàçàòü áèëåòû çàðàíåå 8. to develop trade relations – ðàçâèâàòü òîðãîâûå îòíîøåíèÿ 9. to fill in a declaration – çàïîëíÿòü äåêëàðàöèþ 10. to find out the train times – âûÿñíèòü âðåìÿ îòïðàâëåíèÿ ïîåçäîâ 11. to fly somewhere for a holiday – ïîëåòåòü êóäà-ëèáî íà ïðàçäíèêè / íà îòäûõ 12. to get to the office – äîåõàòü äî ìåñòà ðàáîòû 13. to give instructions – äàâàòü óêàçàíèÿ 14. to go abroad – åçäèòü çàãðàíèöó 15. to place an order – ðàçìåùàòü çàêàç 16. to take off in a few minutes – âûëåòàòü ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ìèíóò Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. Was the manager going through the mail or through the price-lists? 2. Foreign trade is an important part of their economy, isn’t it? 3. Are their trade contacts with China developing? 4. What has the clerk registered? 5. Why will he book seats in advance? 6. How many people were there in the waiting-room? Lesson 8 – Test 2 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. Mrs Donskyh was going on business abroad. 2. She got all the necessary instructions, booked a seat for an early morning flight and reserved a room at the hotel. 3. When Mrs Donskyh arrived at the airport to catch a plane there were a few passengers there. 4. The clerk checked her passport and registered her ticket and luggage. 5. Then she had to go through the customs. 6. When the customs officer was checking the declaration he saw that Mrs. Donskyh had filled in the form but hadn’t signed it. 7. Then he / He then asked her: ”Have you got any things liable to duty?” 8. She didn’t and the formalities were over. 9. While she was waiting for the flight to be announced she bought a few magazines and went through them. 10. The plane took off on time and the flight took about three hours. 11. Now Mrs Donskyh is at the Park Hotel in London. 12. She has already unpacked her suitcase and taken a shower. 13. She is going to keep her appointment with British businessmen. 14. She has arrived in / come to Britain to clear up a few points in the contract for beauty products. 15. The representatives of / The people at the Body Shop are interested in concluding the contract. 16. Both parties hope their trade contacts will develop (further). Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. daily newspaper – åæåäíåâíàÿ ãàçåòà 2. order for chemical equipment – çàêàç íà õèìè÷åñêîå îáîðóäîâàíèå 3. the way to the airport – äîðîãà ê àýðîïîðòó 4. things for one’s own use – âåùè äëÿ (÷üåãî-ëèáî) ëè÷íîãî ïîëüçîâàíèÿ 5. to arrive in Italy – ïðèáûòü â Èòàëèþ 6. to be liable to duty – ïîäëåæàòü îáëîæåíèþ ïîøëèíîé 7. to book seats for a Sunday performance – çàêàçàòü áèëåòû íà âîñêðåñíûé ñïåêòàêëü 8. to come from abroad – ïðèåçæàòü èç-çà ãðàíèöû 9. to find out how to operate (the machine) – âûÿñíèòü, êàê óïðàâëÿòü ìàøèíîé / ñòàíêîì 10. to get instructions – ïîëó÷àòü óêàçàíèÿ 11. to go on business – åçäèòü â êîìàíäèðîâêó 12. to go through the Customs – ïðîõîäèòü òàìîæåííûé äîñìîòð 13. to land at the airport – ïðèçåìëèòüñÿ â àýðîïîðòó 14. to make an announcement – äåëàòü îáúÿâëåíèå 15. to register one’s ticket – çàðåãèñòðèðîâàòü ñâîé áèëåò 16. to wait for the visitor (to arrive) – æäàòü ãîñòÿ / ïîñåòèòåëÿ / ïðèáûâøåãî; æäàòü ïðèáûòèÿ ãîñòÿ / ïîñåòèòåëÿ Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. Who showed me Þ you the way to the airport? 2. How long did it take him to fill the declaration in English? 3. What order is our Þ your company placing with the Austrian firm? 4. Their representative will arrive tomorrow morning, won’t he/she? 5. Are these things for my Þ your own use? 6. How many airports are there are in London (alternative question – or two). Lesson 9 – Test 1 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: A 1. The secretary said she would reserve a room for him at the Continental Hotel the following day. 2. The visitor said he was staying at the Continental Hotel. 3. The guest said that he had filled the form in English. 4. The hotel-porter said he himself had shown the guest to the reception-desk. 5. The guest asked if they / the hotel had single rooms with a private bathroom. 6. The receptionist was not sure if they had the accomodation available. 7. The guest said he had had his suit pressed on arrival. 8. The guest asked if / whether the hotel reastaurant served meals around the clock. 9. The chambermaid said she would bring her an extra blanket. 10. The guest said that he had lost the key to his room. 11. The guest said that he wasn’t sure if he had locked the door. 12. The guest said that he was going to give the porter a good tip. 13. The chambermaid said there was going to be an extra charge for that. 14. The porter told me that he would attend to my luggage. B 1. During the last week the people at the Russian souvenirs had been busy discussing a lot of questions. 2. The director announced that the British businessmen from “Gifts” were going to place an order for different souvenirs with them. 3. He told the secretary to reserve rooms for the British visitors in the best hotel in the centre of the city. 4. There was a fax which said that the British businessmen were arriving in Rostov the following / the next Monday. 5. The director asked the secretary to make an appointment with the representative of Don Souvenir for Friday. 6. The trainee wondered what instructions the director had given to the sales manager. 7. The sales manager reported that he had discussed the terms of payment and delivery concerning / of Semikarakorsk pottery. 8. The sales assistant wondered if they required catalogues and price-lists of new goods. 9. Nobody knew if the prices for (of) souvenirs would be acceptable to the British businessmen. 10. Nobody knew if the British businessmen were going to place an order with them or with Moscow Souvenirs. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. accommodation at the hotel – íîìåð â ãîñòèíèöå 2. previous week – ïðåäûäóùàÿ íåäåëÿ 3. to attend to work – çàíÿòüñÿ ðàáîòîé / ïðîñëåäèòü çà âûïîëíåíèåì ðàáîòû 4. to be available in an hour – áûòü â ðàñïîðÿæåíèè / äîñòóïíûì / â íàëè÷èè ÷åðåç ÷àñ 5. to come right away – ïðèäòè íåìåäëåííî / òóò æå / ñèþ ìèíóòó 6. to fill in the form – çàïîëíèòü áëàíê 7. to lock the door – çàïèðàòü / çàêðûòü äâåðü êëþ÷îì èëè íà çàìîê 8. to press one’s trousers – ïîãëàäèòü / îòóòþæèòü áðþêè 9. to reserve a room – çàêàçûâàòü çàðàíåå / áðîíèðîâàòü íîìåð 10. to show somebody to a reception-desk – ïðîâîäèòü êîãî-ëèáî äî ñòîëà àäìèíèñòðàòîðà 11. to stay at the hotel – îñòàíîâèòüñÿ â ãîñòèíèöå 12. to take the lift to the eighth floor – ïîäíèìàòüñÿ íà ëèôòå äî âîñüìîãî ýòàæà 13. to tell somebody one’s address – ñîîáùèòü ñâîé àäðåñ 14. to unpack the suit-case – ðàñïàêîâàòü ÷åìîäàí Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. By how much could the sellers reduce their price for the goods? 2. With what firm have we Þ you placed an order? 3. Why did their representative telephone the factory two days? 4. He stayed in Petersburg longer than he usually does, didn’t he? 5. Will he get accommodation at the Astoria or Metropol hotel? 6. Will Mr Finch be available in an hour?
Lesson 9 – Test 2 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: A 1. Nobody knew that the job would take so long. 2. His personal secretary asked him if he needed anything else. 3. She mentioned she must / would have to work till late. 4. The manager said that he had had some good news. 5. Your secretary said (that) you were at lunch and (you) would be back soon. 6. The lawyer mentioned that the president would get legal advice. 7. The security chief said (that) he had hired more staff. 8. The secretary asked if / whether he should leave a message for the security chief. B 1. Mr Stanichnik opened a small hotel called The Cosy Nook. 2. The hotel people have been very busy this month. 3. They had / have had to work hard and learn a lot about the hotel business. 4. Many people asked the receptionist if they could reserve a room and what accommodation was available. 5. They also asked how much the hotel charged for a single or a double room. 6. The receptionist asked in whose name the reservation was made. 7. The receptionist had to ask the guests to fill in forms. 8. The guests asked the porter to attend to their luggage. 9. An old lady might say she had lost the key to her room. 10. Another one might say the porter had taken her luggage to the wrong room. 11. People often wondered / asked if the restaurant was open till midnight. 12. Some people asked if they served late supper. 13. Male guests wondered if they could order drinks after midnight. 14. Travelling businessmen asked if they could have their suits pressed immediately. 15. Some guests complained that the chambermaid had not unpacked their suitcases. 16. Others complained that the chambermaid had not given them an extra blanket. 17. And there are more other things to discuss. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. charge for a room – ïëàòà çà êîìíàòó 2. following morning – (íà) ñëåäóþùåå óòðî 3. foreign nationality – èíîñòðàííîå ãðàæäàíñòâî 4. identity card – óäîñòîâåðåíèå ëè÷íîñòè 5. single room – íîìåð íà îäíîãî ÷åëîâåêà 6. the key to one’s room – êëþ÷ îò ñâîåé êîìíàòû / ñâîåãî íîìåðà 7. to bring in somebody’s suit-case – âíåñòè ÷åìîäàí 8. to give the porter a tip – äàâàòü ïîðòüå ÷àåâûå 9. to have one’s suit pressed – ðàñïîðÿäèòüñÿ, ÷òîáû âàì ïîãëàäèëè êîñòþì 10. to pack things – óïàêîâàòü âåùè 11. to put somebody through to a reception-desk – ñîåäèíèòü ñ àäìèíèñòðàòîðîì 12. to show somebody into a room – ââåñòè â êîìíàòó / íîìåð 13. to stay at home – îñòàâàòüñÿ äîìà 14. to unlock the suit-case – îòêðûâàòü (çàïåðòûé íà êëþ÷) ÷åìîäàí 15. to walk in good weather – ãóëÿòü â õîðîøóþ ïîãîäó Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. What key can’t he find? 2. To what floor / Where will the lift take her? 3. Who(m) did the secretary show into the boardroom? 4. Mr Smith has given the porter a big tip, hasn’t he? 5. Is the restaurant open till 12 p.m.? 6. Will the chairman be available at 2 or 3 o’clock? Lesson 10 – Test 1 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. We have received your latest catalogues for power equipment, but we haven’t received your quotations for it. When will you be able to send us your quotations? 2. We have received a lot of enquiries from Germany this year. Our managing director cannot speak German and he thinks he will have to learn German to conduct the talks in it. 3. – Yesterday we received / got a letter from an English firm. Shall I translate it? – No, you needn’t. Victor has translated it already. 4. – Our director is leaving for Amsterdam the day after tomorrow. He is going to have the / conduct talks with several firms. – Will he be able to come back for the presentation of a / the new model? 5. Mr Harold, managing director of Blake & Co, would like to meet our representatives and discuss / clarify a few questions. You will have to have / get all the necessary information by the end of the week if we want them to place an order with us. 6. We have never done business with Broderick & Co. This month we have signed / made a contract for chemical equipment with Jones & Co, and they can recommend our goods to Mr Broderick. You must think about possible discounts to get our new customer interested. 7. Our office got instructions to take part deliveries. 8. It was raining heavily all day long, and I was afraid that the plane would not land in bad weather. 9. He said that she needed a holiday. 10. He wondered / asked if / whether we should fax the information to them. 11. The guest said that he had filled the form in English. 12. Nobody knew how long the job would take. Assignment 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form: A British company (1) /was interested/ in buying Lada Kalina from AvtoVaz. They (2) /sent an enquiry to AvtoVaz. After Mr Clarke, manager of the company, (3) /received a quotation from AvtoVaz he (4) /met their representative to discuss the terms of the contract. Below is the scrap of their conversation. Clarke: You see, Mr. Trunov, we (5) /’ve studied your quotation and the terms of the contract. I must say, that your prices (6) /are not attractive to us. They (7) /are too high. Can you (8) /give us a discount for a large order? Trunov: That’s a problem. This (9) /s our usual price and as the quality of our cars (10) /is very high we (11) /are heavy with orders at this price. But as we (12) /have done a lot of business with you we (13) /can give you a small discount. Clarke: We (14) /’d like to have a discount of 7%. Trunov: I’m afraid that (15) /is impossible. We (16) /can offer you a 2% discount. Can you (17) /accept it? Clarke: I think so. But in that case we (18) /ask you to agree to FOB terms. Trunov: No problem, Mr. Clarke. We (19) /can do it if it (20) /suits you. Clarke: Thank you. Assignment 3. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. alternative date – äðóãàÿ äàòà (âçàìåí óêàçàííîé) 2. delivery dates – äàòû ïîñòàâêè 3. one’s stay in Manchester – âðåìÿ ïðåáûâàíèÿ (êîãî-ëèáî) â Ìàí÷åñòåðå 4. part deliveries – ÷àñòè÷íûå ïîñòàâêè 5. quotation from a bank – ïðåäëîæåíèå îò áàíêà 6. to deliver the machines – ïîñòàâëÿòü ìàøèíû / ñòàíêè 7. to enjoy sunshine – ðàäîâàòüñÿ ñîëíå÷íîìó ñâåòó / ñîëíå÷íîé ïîãîäå 8. to get somebody on the phone – äîçâîíèòüñÿ êîìó-ëèáî 9. to have a word with somebody – ïîãîâîðèòü / ïåðåãîâîðèòü ñ êåì-ëèáî 10. to improve the old model – óëó÷øèòü ñòàðóþ ìîäåëü 11. to meet requirements – óäîâëåòâîðÿòü ÷üèì-ëèáî òðåáîâàíèÿì 12. to rain heavily – ëèòü ïîòîêàìè (î ïðîëèâíîì äîæäå) 13. to ship the goods – îòãðóçèòü òîâàð Assignment 4. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. When do they require the goods? 2. What model have they improved? 3. Why are they going to place an order for 50 compressors? 4. Will he be able to reserve a room at the Ritz Hotel? 5. Will he have to clear up all these points with the representative of the firm or the company president? 6. It snowed heavily the day they visited the construction site, didn’t it? Lesson 10 – Test 2 Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English: 1. We have received your quotations and your goods meet our requirements. When will you be able to ship the goods? 2. – Can I go through these catalogues, please? – I’m afraid, you can’t now. I must show them to the managing director. You will be able to take them after lunch. 3. – We are going to sign a contract for machine-tools with Vernon & Co next month. – When will they be able to ship the equipment? 4. – We / our plants have recently begun producing a new model of Lada Kalina. This is a high-quality car. I’m sure it will be able to meet the requirements of customers in Europe. – You’re right. We must receive the first enquiries for this car as soon as this week. 5. We have just studied your latest catalogues and think that your new model meets our requirements. When shall we be able to discuss the price for this equipment? 6. I had to send another letter to the Buyers because they had not answered the first one. 7. Yesterday we had talks with Mr Bradley of Clyde & Co. We discussed the terms of payment and delivery with him. He said that our terms of payment suited them. 8. It snowed all day long yesterday, but I think it won’t snow today. 9. Your secretary said (that) you left early on Mondays. 10. Your colleague said that you had been in the photocopy room and then left. 11. The secretary thought that someone might have duplicated the key to the safe. 12. He asked if / whether he should phone the police. Assignment 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form: Mr Mitcham (1) /studied the buyer’s contract terms and (2) /is now discussing them with Mr Fedin.
Mitcham: Well, Mr Fedin. I think we (3) /can discuss business now. I (4) /’d like to clarify some details with you. How many compressors would you (5) / like to buy? Fedin: We (6) /can buy 40 compressors. Mitcham: And when do you (7) /require the goods? Fedin: As soon as possible, say in December. Mitcham: In December? Let me see. I’m afraid, that’s impossible. Our compressors (8) /are selling very well, and we (9) /are heavy with orders. We (10) /can deliver only 15 compressors in December, and the other 25 in six months. Fedin: All right. And how about the terms of delivery? I hope they (11) /suit you. Mitcham: Yes, we (12) /agree to sell the goods FOB English port. Fedin: Now (13) /comes the question of price. I must say that your price (14) /is not acceptable to us. Can you (15) /give us a 10% discount? Mitcham: That’s a bit difficult. The fact is our compressors (16) /are in great demand. However we (17) /can offer you a discount of 5% as we (18) /’ve been good partners for a long time. Fedin: I think we (19) /can agree to a 5% discount. (10) /Could we meet tomorrow at 10 to sign the contract, Mr. Mitcham? Mitcham: Yes, certainly. Assignment 2. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations: 1. changeable weather – íåóñòîé÷èâàÿ ïîãîäà 2. latest catalogue – ïîñëåäíèé êàòàëîã 3. quotation for a three-room flat – ðàñöåíêè íà òðåõêîìíàòíóþ êâàðòèðó 4. to deliver raw materials – ïîñòàâëÿòü ñûðü¸ 5. to enjoy one’s stay there – ïîëó÷àòü áîëüøîå óäîâîëüñòâèå îò ïðåáûâàíèÿ â äàííîì ìåñòå 6. to order equipment from a French firm – çàêàçûâàòü îáîðóäîâàíèå ó ôðàíöóçñêîé ôèðìû 7. to pass something on to a partner – ïåðåäàâàòü ÷òî-ëèáî ïàðòíåðó 8. to require power equipment – íóæäàòüñÿ â ñèëîâîì îáîðóäîâàíèÿ 9. to snow heavily – ìåñò′è (î ñèëüíîé ìåòåëè) 10. to take part deliveries – ïðèíèìàòü òîâàð ÷àñòè÷íûìè ïîñòàâêàìè 11. visit to a plant – ïîñåùåíèå çàâîäà Assignment 3. Ask questions to the italicised words: 1. Who is going to order more equipment from General Electric? 2. When won’t she get him on the phone? 3. What have the experts discussed? 4. Did we Þ you have to reduce the prices in order to sell the old model or the new one? 5. Why hasn’t the manager noticed their cable? 6. They can go through our latest catalogues, can’t they?