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Класифікація порід-покришок за екранувальною здатністю

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 798

1. Economics only recently (recognize) as (a, the, —) scientific study.

2. As there was no demand for their products, the company (force) to close.

3. My uncle (not, care) (of, about, for) loosing money. He just (want) to sell the car as soon as possible.

4. The invention of (a, the, an) aeroplane was a major break through in travel in the 20th century.

5. Mountain climbing is an (exciting, excited) sport; however it can be very dangerous.

6. Understanding (others, another, the other) point of view does not mean automatically accepting it.

7. There is a far (exciting) atmosphere in a cinema, but it's (expensive) than watching a video at home.

8. The (surrounding, surroundings) at home (is, are) more comfortable than they are at the cinema, but being in a cinema (help) create a mood that (help) you to get really involved in a film, because of the big screen and the sound system.

9. In future computers widely (use) to do homework assignments (such, so, just) as writing essays.

10. Computers (cannot, must not, may not) replace the teachers, because pupils need (their, they, them) to guide their learning.

11. She (not, seem) to care about her appearance at all, but she always looks (nice, nicely, well).

12. I told him that he (can, couldn't, mustn't, may) hope to catch a big fish (with, by, on) a small rod like this.

13. We should try to help reduce (a, the, -) air pollution (by, with, at) using public transport or bicycles instead of private cars.

14. Recycled glass can (mix) with asphalt or cement and used to make new roads.

15. What you (do)? - I'm writing to apply (to, for, at) the job (advertised, advertising) in this week's newspaper.

16. I'm sorry (for, at, about) your recent misfortune. Please let me know if there is (anything, something, some) I can do to help.

17. Meat is ... important food because it is ... major source of protein, B vitamins and ... essential minerals, (a, the, —, an )

18. Both tea and coffee (can, must, should) interrupt sleep and relaxation if they (drink) at night.

19. I hope that the music festival (attend) by many people, fireworks (set) off by the party organizers if the weather doesn't spoil everything.

20. I can't find the necessary flat. If the flats clearly (num ber), it (be) less difficult to find anyone.

Test 73

1. Red, white and blue flags (hung) by the people and banners (raise) all over the town as everyone is waiting anxiously for the big parade which (take) place on the 4th of July every year.

2. (On, in, at) the day of the event the sound of drums (can, must, may) be heard as the marching band comes along first, followed by the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

3. The clothes warn by (a, the, -) people today (be) very different to (that, those, this) worn at the beginning of the century.

4. Trousers regularly (wear) by (woman, women) nowadays, whereas then it would have been quite (shocking, shocked).

5. Traffic accidents often (cause) by dangerous driving or poor visibility.

6. Ann told me she (work) hard in the lab for five hours the previous day.

7. Dealing with (a, the, -) environmental problems after they (become) serious is not very practical.

8. The policeman threatened to arrest the driver if he (not, answer) his questions,

9. Smog (damage) the ancient monument which now (need) to be restored.

10. Although they never (play) baseball before they had (an, the, a, -) enjoyable game.

11. Traffic accidents could (avoid) by driving at lower speed and more (careful, carefully) and by raising public awareness of the danger of drinking and driving.

12. Cindy said she (be) in a hurry. Nobody knew she (leave) in 10 minutes.

13. Robert said that he (not, have to) water the plants then because it (rain) the whole week.

14. Look! Mr. Thomas looks very smart today. He (wear) a new jacket which (suit) him very well.

15. The process of evolution (be) very hard for some creatures. (Along, among, between) with many other species, dinosaurs were unable to adopt to the changing environment and, as a result, (die) out.

16. When there are fewer than a hundred of species left, they (consider) to be almost extinct.

17. We (try) to increase people's awareness (of, in, at) environmental problems.

18. I want to warn you that if you (not, have) locks on your windows, the burglar will break in when you (be) away next time.

19. Humans are, of course, the biggest threat to many creatures and now that their secret places (discover), they have nowhere left to go.

20. All the telephonists speak English. If they (not, know) English, they (not, understand) half of the callers.

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