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Комплекс оптимальних регіональних і локальних критеріїв

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 783

1. As soon as he (enter) the room, he realized what (go) on.

2. The children (pick) the flowers for two hours before they realized what the time (be).

3. You can borrow my car suppose you (put) in (some, any, a few) petrol before you (bring) it back.

4. You won't get a visa (if, when, unless) you (have) your passport with you.

5. Soho, once considered one of (dirty) and (dangerous) parts of London, (clean up) in early 1980s.

6. Today, with its gurgling cappuccino machines and pavement cafes, Soho (become) a meeting place (for, of, between) all kinds of people from all over the world, whatever the hour of day or night.

7. Wales officially (link) to England in 1536 by the Act of Union. By 1970 only 25% of the population could speak Welsh, and in an effort to raise that proportion, education (make) bilingual.

8. (Tell, say) him to wait if he (come) earlier.

9. (not, forget) that you (be to, must, can) report to the manager as soon as you (reach) Manchester.

10. Somebody (rob) our flat today. You (could, had to, ought to) have locked the door when you (go out) in the morning.

11. "You (should, might, could) obey (a, the, -) law otherwise you (have) problems in your life, my boy", my father (used to, was used to) say.

12. Lucy (wait) (hopeful, hopefully) all morning for the postman to arrive but he didn't.

13. Let's hope there won't be any (further, farther) delays, ... .

14. Have you got any musical instruments at home? - Yes. We've bought ... piano. Our daughter goes to ... music school and is learning to play ... piano, (a, the, —)

15. ... Atlantic Ocean and ... warm waters of ... Gulf Stream influence ... weather of ... British Isles, (a, the, —)

16. I've bought ... shirt and ... pair of trousers. ... shirt is white and ... trousers (be) blue, (a, the, -)

17. (not, try) and do two things together. Concentrate (on, at, for) one thing (at, on, for) a time.

18. Where we (have) to sit? - You can sit (anywhere, somewhere, everywhere). It doesn't matter.

19. Would you like (something, anything, nothing) to eat? -Two (teas, tea), please.

20. We haven't got ... bread. - You'd better go to the shop, then. We need ... tomatoes too. (some, any)

21. By the end of this year he (lecture) at this college (for, since, during) ten years.

22. Let me know as soon as you (make) your decision, ...?

23. Look at the clouds. It (rain). - Don't bother. I already (take) my umbrella.

24. Don't worry. By Friday afternoon, Diane (prepare) all the dishes for the dinner party.

25. During the 1960s and 1970s, laws (pass) in Great Britain under which using open coal fires in homes in the city area (forbid).

26. Hadrian's wall, the greatest monument of (the, a, -) Roman occupation of Britain, (build) to act as a defence against the Celts from Scotland.

27. King Alfred (849 - 899) (know) as "Alfred the Great". He was (the, an, -) only monarch in English history who (give) this title.

28. Mike (told, said) me that he (couldn't, mustn't, mightn't) (tell, say, ask) one twin from (other, another, the other) as they were identical.

29. If you don't understand (something, anything, nothing), you (must, may, should) ask your teacher to help you with your studies.

30. I (be) very grateful if you kindly (sign) this document and let me have it back as soon as possible.

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