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Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка


АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія

Класифікація свердловин

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 808

Test 69

1) to make, -, are lending; 2) at, leaves; 3) have to, has been turned down; 4) is finding; 5) will do, a; 6) have discovered; 7) has made, the best; 8) had represented, on, was forced; 9) became, have increased; 10) bothered, much; 11) was translated, into; 12)few, mine; 13) had translated, phoned; 14. serious, was injured; 15) ought to, should not; 16) must, needn't, may; 17) has fried, is shown; 18) will announce, the; 19) will have been registered, will be able; 20) would help, asked.

Test 70

1) have received, neither; 2) Do you have to, much, stops; 3) enough, in, stops; 4) at, near; 5) the most famous; 6) the, the, are; 7) were made, the, better; 8) are making; 9) spent, most of; 10) with; 11) -, may; 12) be used, other; 13) -; 14) although, helps, the; 15) are kept, are cared, are forced; 16) the, are complaining; 17) should; 18) -, cheaper; 19) for, can; 20) were (was), wouldn't stay.

Test 71

1) have been passed, are treated; 2) the, was able to; 3) must, other; 4) may; 5) was arrested, to; 6) -, are trying; 7) are, is, much; 8) much, -; 9) are to; 10) -, into, which; 11) doesn't care, is offered; 12) had been looking; 13) should not be; 14) everyone, another; 15) -; 16) is ; 17) can, -; 18) should, cleaner, are using; 19) are trying, about, since, helps, other; 20) had, would bring.

Test 72

1) has been recognized; a; 2) was forced; 3) doesn't care, of, wants; 4) the; 5) exciting; 6) be prepared, other; 7) more exciting, more expensive; 8) surroundings, are, helps, helps; 9) will be used, such; 10) cannot, them; 11) doesn't seem, nice; 12) couldn't, with; 13) -, by; 14) be mixed; 15) are doing, for, advertised; 16) about, anything, 17) an, the, -; 18) can, are drunk; 19) will be attended, will be set; 20) were numbered, would be.

Test 73

1) are hang, are raised, takes; 2) on, can; 3) -, are, those; 4) are worn, women, shocking; 5) are caused; 6) had been working; 7) -, have become; 8) didn't answer; 9) has damaged, needs; 10) had played, an; 11) be avoided, carefully; 12) was, was leaving; 13) didn't have to, had been raining; 14) is wearing, suits; 15) has been, along, died; 16) are considered; 17) are trying, of; 18) don't have, are; 19) have been discovered; 20) didn't know, wouldn't understand.

Test 74

1) more; 2) another, communication; 3) more practical; 4) keeps, younger, are; 5) has become, -, may; 6) have been, on, have been cancelled; 7) are made, more difficult; 8) was used, the; 9) will be used, will become; 10) older, more experienced; 11) less, the least, would have; 12) don't need; 13) would become, graduated; 14) at; 15) -, can, a; 16) are meeting; 17) have been waiting; 18) had been burgled, the, had been taken; 19) has applied, is waiting; 20) coach, my; 21) had, would sell.

Test 75

1) have met; 2) better; 3) the, had read, are going, doesn't rain; 4) threatening, was shocked, knew; 5) is balanced, may, others; 6) are endangered; 7) the most famous; 8) would, would; 9) of, has done; 10) was able to, had attacked; 11) have found; 12) happier; 13) are supported, are seen; 14) were followed; 15) used to, had worked (had been working); 16) is made, from, an; 17) has changed, most of, are not filled; 18) none, them; 19) have invited, -; 20) didn't love, wouldn't wait.

Test 76

1) a, -; 2) has become, much easier, cheaper; 3) may, may; 4) the, late; 5) will be; 6) have changed, for; 7) saw, had read; 8) easier, the; 9) shall, are dressed (will be dressed); 10) had been involved, anything; 11) was waiting; 12) was injured, were damaged; 13) was left, should, are cooking; 14) causes, wear; 15) were swimming, the; 16) help, well; 17) any; 18) is, more, less; 19) at, were, were not known; 20) had, would grow.

Test 77

1) a, out of, may; 2) had entered; 3) had managed, as well; 4) delicious, in; 5) was having, would be waiting; 6) had happened; 7) had been revising, will have passed; 8) would drop, missed; 9) the; 10) good, doesn't enter, the greatest; 11) which, haven't decided; 12) am used to, more comfortable; 13) is launched, will be able to, -; 14) were able, less; 15) are caused; 16) had forgotten; 17) the dirtiest, the most dangerous, has become; 18) have been transformed, have been restored; 19) -, have taken place; 20) saw, would climb, wouldn't be, would climb.

Test 78

1) had left, than, anybody; 2) a, had begun; 3) had made; 4) has grown, to; 5) has been playing, has played; 6) the most delicious, have eaten; 7) had owned, was stolen; 8) has risen, has become, a; 9) what, have had; 10) is built, have to; 11) have been trying, the, -; 12) can, the, be changed, better; 13) the, knew, have been given; 14) -, were accused, knowledge; t 15) any, spoils, from, many; 16) more, them, had been invited; 17) the, have supported; 18) Americans, had established; 19) at, were shown, in; 20) were, wouldn't be sitting.

Progress Test 94 (69-93)

1) shall we? 2) has driven, have driven, either; 3) the, at, had been waiting; 4) has been, were, arrived, the; 5) are known, are roasted, are ground; 6) are processed, are filtered, are soaked, make, with; 7) was proved/will be proved, was set/will be set; 8) was; 9) on, ought; 10) must, will not forget; 11) will, will pick; 12) have been, deeply, 13) hasn't felt, late, 14) a, a, -; 15) a, the, the, the; 16) -, -, a, -; 17) on, off; 18) one's; 19) themselves; 20) typed, wouldn't make; 21) have lived, has, the; 22) is, are; 23) wait, -, will meet, have known; 24) is getting easier and easier, -; 25) is placed, on; 26) will be held, a; 27) has been completed; 28) are, will have; 29) is to, at; 30) would, staying; 31) might, didn't come; 32) high, the; 33) has been operated, highly, -; 34) the, were, a, the, the; 35) -, a; 36) -, louder, -; 37) from; 38) those, was; 39) himself; 40) bought, would be; 41)a-l,4.




Progress Test 107 (95-106)

1) visit; 2) things; 3) -; 4) the; 5) be heard, 6) had not been burnt down; 7) takes; 8) were being built; 9) checked; 10) is striking; 11) are connected; 12) failed; 13) a; 14) was working; 15) hung; 16) shall, could; 17) has decided, is having, a, wants, a; 18) have been working, lately; 19) had been working, is working; 20) are based, an, -, the; 21) had been working; 22) is, is; 23) is; 24) beers, beers; 25) used; 26) is, could; 27) most, the most popular; 28) to, longer; 29) -, -, -, the, the, the; 30) the, the, the; 31) the, was conquered, the; 32) there, the; 33) got, thicker; 34) must, on, will take place, in; 35) for, had to; 36) of, is, can, quickly; 37) a, has been working, on; 38) visiting, exciting; 39) took; 40) don't they? 41) do ... work; 42) times, time; 43) shouldn't, chocolate; 44) worked, would earn; 45) hadn't spent, would have had; 46) international; 47) discouraged; 48) successfully; 49) decision; 50) cooking; 51) a-1,5.

The Verbals Test 108

1) being tired, working; 2) her playing; 3) showing; 4) driving; 5) me to help; 6) losing; 7) not knowing, to use, translating-8) expressing, to keep; 9) answering, asking; 10) writing seeing; 11) written, read; 12) to bother, to talk; 13) for being; 14) being typed; 15) having passed; going; 16) to hear; 17) talking; 18) looking; being knocked; 19) in buying; 20) taking, to get.

Test 109

1) not knowing, having, to get; 2) looking, seeing; 3) locked; 4) being, to have; 5) making; 6) reading; 7) made; 8) to turn, working; 9) to say, to find; 10) to leave, to put; 11) listening, to listen, talking; 12) earning, to prove; 13) dining, have; 14) cutting, done;15) to decide, to work, graduating; 16) to have taken; 17) to start, raining, walking; 18) to tell; 19) rising, waiting; 20) seeing, reading, to talk; 21) to come, going; 22) keeping, to fill; 23) going, being; 24) planting, not to damage; 25) invented, to travel; 26) to buy, selling; 27) charged, receiving, selling, stolen; 28) trying, to repair; 29) being robbed; 30) to know, to know; 31) to know, to have been lost; 32) to know, leaving; 33) to take; 34) asked; 35) being sent; 36) crossing; 37) to be translated; 38) translating; 39) jumping, falling; 40) spending, arguing, to go, not to go.


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