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Гідрогеохімічні критерії

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 853

1. For many centuries, during the cold time of the year English people (use) coal in their fireplaces in private houses and smoke from factories contributed greatly to trouble, called smog.

2. The history of Scotland as well as the character of its people (portray) by such famous Scottish writers as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.

3. The thistle (have) nothing pleasant in it, especially if one (touch) (it, its, it's) thorns. But it (have) (-, an, the) important meaning (for, to, at) Scotland. (It's, it, its) the Scottish national emblem.

4. Why the Scottish people (choose) the thistle as the national emblem of their country? - (An, the, -) answer is interesting, and it (can, must, should) be found in the history of Scotland.

5.1 think that he (discharge) from (a, the, -) hospital soon. 6.1 don't know why Peter (be) late. He might (delay) by the traffic.

7. (A, the, -) children (not, allow) to wear jewelry to school.

8. Helen said that she (go) to the circus (last, that, the following) week.

9. She (needn't, mustn't, couldn't) have bought such (a/an. the, —) expensive dress yesterday.

10. You (should, would, needn't) have seen this film on TV last night, it was very good.

11. (Couldn't, may) I speak to Jane, please? - Just a moment, please. I (call) her.

12. He (work) (hard, hardly) these days. He (hard, hardly) goes (somewhere, anywhere) now.

13. My mother (near, nearly) fainted when the man came (near, nearly). She (not, see) him for ages.

14. ... apple ... day keeps ... doctor away, (a/an, the, -)

15. When in ... Rome, do as ... Romans do. (a/an, the, -)

16. You can't teach (a/an, the, -) old dog (with, by, at) new tricks.

17. (The, a, -) Whispering Gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral which is over 100 feet above the floor is remarkable (of, off, for) its acoustics.

18. Who has prepared to work overtime besides (/, my, me)? 19.1 can't find my book. Can you give me (your, yours)?

20. Let's go to the beach, ... ?

21. The people of Scotland (choose) the thistle as (there, their, theirs) national emblem because it (save) the land (of, from, out of) foreign invaders many years ago.

22. Mary Stuart (1542-1587), the queen of Scots, reigned in Scotland for only seven years; (yet, also) the romance, intrigue and mystery (surrounding, surrounded) her life (make) her a legendary figure in Scottish history.

23. Immigrants who (arrive) in Great Britain from all parts of the Common Wealth since 1945 only (not, create) a mixture of nations, but also (bring) their cultures and habits with them.

24. Mark Twain always (think) that his days on (-, a, the) Mississippi (be) the happiest in his life.

25. The house (clean) before the guests arrived.

26. Why is David late? - Perhaps, he (hold) up in (a, the, -) traffic.

27. Margaret Mitchell (write) the original novel "Gone with the Wind". The film (release) in 1939 and (become) (a, the, -) huge success soon after its release.

28. Two years (is, are) a long time to be away from home.

29. (Could, would) I use your telephone, please? - Yes, you (can, could, would).

30. There is nobody there. If he (be) in, he (answer) the telephone.

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