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Стадія визначення наявності пасток ВВ і підготовка об’єктів (структур) до глибокого буріння

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 748

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. The Buyers would like to have the goods in May.

2. The Buyers haven’t accepted the Sellers’ goods.

3. What points would they like to clear up with Mr Green in advance.

4. The Trade Delegation of Russia in London is in Highgate.

5. Your goods meet our requirements.

Assignment 2. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. We are interested in your goods.

2. Their terms are acceptable to us.

3. The company vice-president got instructions to buy equipment abroad.

4. Will you put me through to the reception-desk?

5. Our customers require power equipment and raw materials.

Assignment 3. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Some firms are interested in buying our goods.

2. The German firm requires the goods in April.

3. He often goes abroad on business.

4. Yesterday we couldn’t get any accommodation at this hotel.

5. The fact (point) is he told us about his visit to the plant.

Assignment 4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. He asked me not to tell her about the contract.

2. They shipped the goods in time.

3. Some of our engineers are going on business to India soon.

4. Your charge for this single room is too high.

5. The fact (point) is they require the goods in May.

Assignment 5. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. We had talks with one of the French firms last week.

2. Their terms of shipment are not acceptable to us.

3. We are placing an order for chemical equipment with a French firm.

4. He filled in the form in English.

5. Our equipment meets their requirements.

Assignment 6. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. The firm sent their representative to Rostov.

2. Contact Mr Green on Friday morning, please.

3. The clerk registered my ticket for the plane.

4. The Customs Officer asked me to unpack my suit-case.

5. Could you give an alternative date?

Assignment 7. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. You can get the necessary catalogues on Friday.

2. The time of the appointment is convenient to me.

3. I have no things to declare.

4. He couldn’t come to the office yesterday because he felt bad.

5. Mr Green can’t meet Mr Brown tomorrow. Will you pass it on to Mr Brown?

Assignment 8. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. All the materials were ready for the talks.

2. We have never done business with that company.

3. It is necessary to fill in a declaration when you go abroad.

4. There is no extra charge for this service.

5. We (have) improved Model A 12.

Assignment 9. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. They have made an appointment with the German businessman for Wednesday.

2. We develop trade contacts with different countries.

3. The director made an announcement that the talks would begin at 10.

4. The receptionist said he could offer me a very good double room with a private bath on the first floor.

5. We got instruction from Mr Green to take part deliveries.

Assignment 10. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. We have made an appointment with those businessmen for Monday.

2. Our trade contacts with different countries are developing from year to year.

3. All the passengers must go through the Customs when they go abroad.

4. The receptionist asked me to fill in the form in English.

5. We can deliver the equipment in February.

Assignment 11. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. The prices of the goods were very high.

2. Our firm exports manufactured goods to many countries of the world.

3. These are things for my own use.

4. Will you attend to this enquiry for boilers?

5. I’m sorry (I’m afraid) the delivery dates do not suit us.

Assignment 12. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. We can offer you this equipment at the price of $1,500.

2. Russia exports a lot of raw materials.

3. Some goods are not duty-free.

4. Will / Can you help me to fill in this form in German?

5. We have received a quotation of the goods from an American firm.

Assignment 13. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Our goods are in great demand.

2. Germany exports consumer goods to Russia.

3. What things are liable to duty?

4. He gave the chambermaid a tip.

5. I’m afraid their terms of payment don’t suit me.

Assignment 14. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. The Sellers couldn’t reduce the prices of their goods.

2. We concluded a lot of contracts for the sale of foodstuffs.

3. Mr Green got instruction to contact the Germany company and find out when they could ship the goods.

4. The manager asked Mr Brown to attend to the order for boilers at once.

5. We are going to order chemical equipment from an American firm.

Assignment 15. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. They’ve received an offer of power equipment from a French firm this week.

2. They concluded a lot of contracts for the purchase of raw materials.

3. He asked me to fill in the declaration in Russian.

4. Mr Green, president of the company, is not available now.

5. I haven’t noticed the form, I’ll attend to their order at once.

Assignment 16. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. They can offer you their goods on c.i.f. terms.

2. When can they give us their final reply through Internet?

3. It’s necessary to reserve a room for Mr Gray.

4. The experts of our office discussed a contract for boilers yesterday.

5. Your boilers meet our requirements.

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