![]() Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка КАТЕГОРІЇ: АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія |
ГеотерміяДата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 780
Test 27 1) saw, have seen; 2) is, don't know; 3) have been; 4) is making; 5) will phone; 6) a few; 7) off; 8) prefer; 9) haven't slept; 10) is boiling; 11) has recovered; is; 12) by; 13) much; 14) a; 15) lived; 16) doesn't go; 17) were you doing; 18) have they moved; 19) are discussing; 20) more serious. Test 28 I) any; 2) a, have ever seen; 3) pass; 4) is, is; 5) looks; 6) will feel; 7) was waiting; 8) much, 9) have you known; 10) am looking; II) return; 12) were you doing; 13) speak; 14) a lot; 15) much; 16) uses; 17) met; 18) -; 19) was trying; 20) was. Test 29 I) to ; 2) -; 3) think; 4) boils; 5) has not recovered; 6) did they get married; 7) is raining; 8) mine; 9) the best; 10) arrived; II) Have you read; 12) is using; 13) asked; 14) were; 15) much; 16) nothing; 17) hear; 18) is playing; 19) don't like; 20) meant. Test 30 I) had finished; 2) the nearest; 3) any; 4) doesn't buy; 5) prepares; 6) started; 7) have lost; 8) was walking, the; 9) of; 10) ours; II) will be; 12) would invite ; 13) Has ... arrived; 14) had gone ; 15) saw; 16) anybody; 17) much; 18) left; 19) had locked; 20) was doing. Test 31 1) are watching ; 2) sign/have signed ; 3) theirs ; 4) for; 5) was built; 6) anywhere; 7) a; 8) had been travelling; 9) is having; 10) had sent, left, will receive; 11) a, the; 12) for; 13) a few; 14) the nicest; 15) won't be, won't believe; 16) left (would leave), arrived, learnt, had left; 17) had seen; 18) start, will get; 19) gets, can't; 20) what, me. Test 32 1) most, - , the; 2) at; 3) in; 4) could; 5) shall be able to, can; 6) better; 7) most; 8) (the) fewest; 9) was, was snowing; 10) used, doesn't play, had studied; 11) get; 12) is working; 13) a, the; 14) anything; 15) couldn't; 16) are; 17) must; 18) more, better; 19) fast; 20) at, to. Test 33 1) in; 2) in, in; 3) was sitting, saw, seemed; 4) was, were they doing, were looking, did they find, discovered; 5) since; 6) is caught; 7) can; 8) a, the, a, a, a; 9) like; 10) doesn't stay; 11) have been; 12) few, can; 13) into, the; 14) said, was boiling; 15) -, the, -; 16) have to; 17) didn't stop; 18) have just remembered, haven't paid; 19) can; 20) to. Test 34 1) the, the, -; 2) has, knowledge, may; 3) looked, went, saw, standing; 4) have been playing; 5) look, whose, have forgotten, has happened; 6) was crossing, the, an; 7) should; 8) are, at; 9) used; 10) have; 11) parked, rushed; 12) were driving, came; 13) had packed; 14) your; 15) of, the, -; 16) could; 17) are left; 18) wanted, could, will have picked; 19) will be; 20) in. Test 35 1) come; 2) had; 3) are going; 4) the, in; 5) met, don't remember; 6) are separated; 7) a, much; 8) was trying; 9) can't; 10) has used; 11) wrote, published; 12) will be cleaned; 13) -, the; 14) -, on; 15) the, the, -, -, -, the; 16) didn't have; 17) may, for, will drive; 18) take; 19) had been killed; 20) used. Test 36 I) hardly; 2) wanted; 3) were you asked; 4) will arrive; 5) have been looking, haven't found; 6) picked, went, locked; 7) any; 8) -, the, aren't; 9) was stolen, found, had removed; 10) off; II) had to; 12) his, another; 13) -, -, -, -; 14) will let; 15) some, have just made; 16) the, off; 17) has been opened; 18) hopes, doesn't drive; 19) will be, tell, have; 20) have been, lived. Test 37 1) - , the; 2) can; 3) by, the; 4) in, at; 5) hasn't started, is, at; 6) was raining; 7) didn't work, didn't get; 8) has been proved; 9) by, the; 10) has come; 11) man, since; 12) mustn't, him; 13) will have; 14) have/have had;15) was invited; 16) -, her; . 17) is, was; 18) for; 19) has been, was; 20) -, -. Test 38 1) needn't; 2) would be; 3) must; 4) have heard, isn't; 5) do you know; 6) saw, had just left; 7) the, an, the; 8) was taken; 9) needn't; 10) high; 11) have dialed; 12) with; 13) were damaged, were destroyed; 14) am preparing; 15) a; 16) saw, don't think, will forget; 17) would be broadcast; 18) has hired, will learn; 19) have planned, will you do, leave, haven't decided; 20) any, some. Test 39 1) both; 2) quick, the slowest; 3) has to; 4) have they been, we-|re; 5) anywhere; 6) Have you passed, passed; 7) a, -; 8) in; 9) much, worked; 10) play; 11) is ... doing, is reading; 12) did you visit; 13) have; 14) am going; 15) anything, hear; 16) to; 17) are arguing, can; 18) have never trusted; 19) haven't they arrived; 20) have been trying. Test 40 1) will finish, am, am leaving; 2) the; 3) of; 4) much; 5) have ever met; 6) was cleaning; 7) had been locked; 8) don't think; 9) phone/have phoned; 10) a, -; 11) wanted; 12) was, had stopped; 13) would like, had already read, didn't like; 14) broke, would have; 15) is covered; 16) shallow, deep; 17) —, the, the; 18) into; 19) anything; 20) could (not), had to. Test 41 1) were fishing, left; 2) has just begun, are writing; 3) was burning, came; 4) had started, was writing; 5) entered, stood; 6) was pronounced; 7) to, for; 8) may; 9) much; 10) more economical; 11) was going; 12) had seen; 13) would be, came; 14) had gone; 15) liked, had, had; 16) was written, was translated; 17) cannot; 18) bad, better; 19) the, the; 20) nobody. Test 42 1) didn't allow, were working; 2) had just finished, were clapping; 3) was learning, had; 4) had, was repairing; 5) was written, is known; 6) more intelligent, less; 7) -, —, the; 8) can, cannot; 9) anything; 10) at; 11) bought, are moving; 12) learn, will get; 13) will recognize, meet; 14) will understand, are; 15) are caused; 16) more interesting; 17) expensive; 18) will be able to; 19) -, the; 20) after, of. Test 43 1) do you think, like, have ever read; 2) left, wears; 3) has been, was going; 4) have missed, have; 5) was designed, are attracted; 6) anyone, any; 7) a, a, - , the; 8) those, each; 9) of, of; 10) must; 11) Do you know, has just left, Is she; 12) have you seen, have been looking; 13) have been driving; 14) has been flying, do you think, is taking; 15) were questioned; 16) a, the; 17) -, the; 18) had to; 19) the best; 20) every. Test 44 1) has been playing, would; 2) has been studying, hasn't learnt; 3) has been, have taken, has bought; 4) phoned, got; 5) would be reduced; 6) the, a, a -; 7) a, a; 8) much; 9) the greatest; 10) were able; 11) has been snowing, will be blocked, doesn't stop; 12) has been sleeping, is; 13) have heard, went; 14) are you making, have lost, am trying, doesn't hear; 15)was attracted; 16) the, a; 17) cheaper; 18) at; 19) could not; 20) a few, none. Test 45 1) met, was doing; 2) spends; 3) do, ends; 4) have you known; 5) had been explained, was written; 6) are being paid; 7) any; 8) the highest, higher; 9) the most; 10) a, -, a; 11) stopped, waited, passed; 12) had missed; 13) registered, had come; 14) had kept, dropped; 15) be left, be locked; 16) haven't been introduced; 17) by, with; 18) -, -, -; 19) the worst; 20) either. Test 46 1) will have drafted; 2) have you seen, managed, don't like; 3) will start, receive (have received); 4) don't think, will be able, go; 5) wasn't informed; 6) not be thrown away; 7) the quickest; 8) for, in; 9) -, -, the, -; 10) neither; 11) the worst; 12) less, more; 13) was tried, was found, was sent; 14) not be used; 15) see; 16) have finished; 17) had gone; 18) had been swimming; 19) -, a; 20) could not, were able to. Test 47 1) would arrive, nothing; 2) on; 3) at, of; 4) the, an, the, the; 5) -, -, -; 6) am going, finish; 7) decide, will leave, will reserve; 8) see, will tell; 9) must, need not, may; 10) fewer; 11) go; 12) was walking, rang; 13) is having; 14) fell, got; 15) is swept, wasn't swept; 16) will have to; 17) the most famous; 18) in, at, in; 19) most; 20) -, -. Test 48 1) hasn't heard; 2) was raining; 3) had stopped; 4) have you been studying; 5) could, could; 6) on, in; 7) on; 8) popular; 9) little; 10) a few; 11) have to; 12) the most popular; 13) on, by, by; 14) to; 15) a, an, a; 16) much; 17) invented, was invented; 18) were; 19) were presented; 20) has been sent. Test 49 1) are, have done; 2) has to; 3) go, will take; 4) found, would be; 5) most, few; 6) to; 7) may; 8) long; 9) the busiest; 10) a, an, an, a, -, -, -, -, the; 11) the most boring; 12) much; 13) had to; 14) to, of, at; 15) in; 16) have known; 17) will have passed; 18) has been living; 19) have read; 20) was being cleaned. Test 50 1) will be able; 2) can; 3) needn't; 4) many; 5) little; 6) cold, colder; 7) longer, shorter; 8) is being repaired, will be ready; 9) has had, looks; 10) has been doing; 11) had left, than, somebody; 12) work, will pass; 13) is, won't have;14) has grown, to; 15) has been playing, has played; 16) do...like, have eaten; 17) had owned, was stolen, hasn't been found; 18) comes, -, another; 19) what, the most beautiful, have had; 20) is built, will be able to have to, more. Test 51 1) from; 2) at the; 3) I'm a typist; 4) take; 5) are, they, are; 6) at; 7) have made; 8) much; 9) the worst; 10) Speaking; 11) would take; 12) should go; 13) the less; 14) was writing, had finished; 15) had switched; 16) were going; 17) the; 18) will he come, don't worry, is coming; 19) has... been built, is being built; 20) was raining, woke up. Test 52 1) doesn't make; 2) is; 3) hundred; 4)some; 5) much; 6) any; 7) anything; 8) yours;9) at; 10) to; 11) to; 12) don't agree; 13) are ...listening, 14) were playing, 15) had broken; 16) will phone; 17) have been studying; 18) was being built; 19) gives, the; 20) must, won't be able. Test 53 1) aren't to leave, haven't recovered; 2) have come, am trying, is going; 3) would come; 4) to be recognized; 5) might; 6) the, -, the, the; 7) another; 8) in, at; 9) bad, worse, out of; 10) on, on, on; 11) are...leaving, haven't done; 12)have, will send; 13) won't get ready, revise; 14) are listened; 15) may; 16) an, a, -; 17) some, any; 18) an, the, - , - ; 19) at, in; 20) -, on. Test 54 1) do...know, was being repaired; 2) get (have got)back, will have left, should; 3) am going to faint, would; 4) have been asked, will have been announced; 5) needn't, with; 6) some, have had; 7) in, at; 8) a, the; 9) more reliable, on; 10) on; temper; 11) had been working; 12) such, can't, on; 13) hear, any; 14) are parked; 15) has to, feels; 16) the, the, 17) none ; 18) there, anything, worse; 19) at, the, - ; 20) in, to. Test 55 1) would get soaked, didn't take; 2) got, has been complaining; 3) is knocking, will be; 4) was being discussed, was informed, had not been taken; 5) will be able to; 6) a, -, the; 7) much, little, 8) to, a; 9) a, at, an; 10) to, in; 11) feel, will bring, will order; 12) was doing, took ; 13) have been working, haven't had; 14) had done, had given; 15) are to; 16) the, -; 17) much, more; 18) the, the, the; 19) to, of; 20) with, on. Test 56 1) left, haven't heard; 2) didn't convince, had lost; 3) will have decided; 4) counted; 5) means, mustn't; 6) the, a, a; 7) none ; 8) in, at; 9) the, the; 10) to, for, at, on, at; 11) happened, will meet, will be wearing; 12) did , have been working, for, these; 13) are complaining; 14) ask; 15) don't have to, can; 16) the, a, -, the; 17) none; 18) for ages; 19) -, the, treats, -; 20) should, the, to. Test 57 1) -, had seen; 2) come, will be cooking; 3) do...come, left; 4) will complete, have been working; 5) must; 6) the, the, the; 7) themselves; 8) such, better; 9) after, during; 10) to, away, on, till; 11) through, has; 12) worked, had done; 13) hadn't told; 14) would be done, came; 15) had improved, was working; 16) a, a; 17) myself; 18)had to, hopeless; 19) the, to, for, the; 20) after, on. Test 58 1) does ...leave; 2) thought, had bought; 3) has been rumoured, has been ill; 4) had been invented; 5) under, must; 6) the, the; 7) myself; 8) little, much; 9) -, - , the; 10) in, for, for; 11) returned, saw, had brought; 12) got acquainted, had heard, much; 13) have got, have been waiting; 14) have... been told; 15) nothing, can; 16) a, a, the; 17) me, my; 18) latest, 19) in, at; 20) for, -. Test 59 1) have been working, can't, anything; 2) did...tell, had been; 3) had been decided, were talking, 4) is being redecorated, am living; 5) were to; 6) the, - , -; 7) herself; 8) the, the; 9) on, with; 10) up, on; 11) was asked, were coming; 12) wouldn't pre-pare, revised; 13) am leaving; 14) was being discussed, 15) had been, - , the; 16) a, a, the; 17) have ... decided, the, the; 18) at, to; 19) has doubled, more, on; 20) for, in. Test 60 1) don't disappoint, am counting; 2) were being aggravated; 3) have bought, would look; 4) had been lost, 5) had to; 6) a, the, among; 7) -, at, in; 8) -', on, by, on; 9) any; 10) to, for; 11) have... been told, will come; 12) arrive, on; 13) don't feel, am not going; 14) was being constructed; 15) were to; 16) the, the, -; 17) something; 18) in, with; 19) a, the; 20) to, from. Progress Test 61 (27-60) 1) would happen; 2) was recovering; 3) will be relaxing; 4) was raised, had been waiting; 5) who, - , - ; 6) -, the, the; 7) anything, anybody; 8) in, of, in, in; 9) the, a; 10) for, during; 11) decided, have been worrying, have taken; 12) are making, much; 13) much, a few; 14) has been heard, was stolen; 15) can, are trying , on; 16) the, -; 17) anything; 18) no, all; 19) the, a, the, the; 20) in, on; 21) don't tell, asks; 22) haven't become, are eating; 23) didn't know, had happened, were sailing, know; 24) was made, had been interviewed; 25) can; 26) the, -, the; 27) much; 28) the, the, the, - ; 29) louder, 30) with, for; 31) leaves, has been; 32) has told, have; 33) have been thinking, parted, 34) hadn't been packed, hurry; 35) anybody, knew; 36) an, the, the; 37) much, a few, 38) in, on; 39) the; 40) for, up; 41) a-4.