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Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 792

1. I (wait) for the number 5 when I noticed an old lady who (start) to cross the road in front of me.

2. Eating sugar in the morning (improve) memory and concentration.

3. Tea (help) to protect people against heart disease because it (contain) tannin and flavanoids.

4. The doors of Oxford and Cambridge, (good) English Universities (open) to the public school-leavers.

5. Eton College, (large) of the ancient English public schools, (found) in 1440 as a collegiate church with a school attached.

6. We'll be late for the train if we go (on, by, in) foot. Let's take a taxi, ...?

7. The girl asked her grandfather if he (agree) that he (be) the best detective she ever (meet).

8. He said he (can't, mustn't, wouldn't be able to) come to help us the following week.

9. It's forbidden to go near the launch pad. You (mustn't, can't, won't) go near it.

10. It's five o'clock. They (ought to, mustn't, need) be here by now.

11. The mountain was so (high, highly) that they (shouldn't, couldn't, might) climb it.

12. The question was (too, so) difficult for me to answer.

13. There are (few) public holidays in Great Britain than in (other, another, the other) European countries.

14. 0. Henry's first story (publish) in 1899 when the writer was in ... prison on ... false charge of stealing ... money from a bank, (a, the, -)

15. By 1981 only 19% of ... Welsh population spoke ... Welsh, even though ... Welsh language (use) for many radio and television programmes and in schools to promote ... Welsh culture and ... language itself, (a, the, -)

16. My grandmother has been taken to ... hospital. She 's got ... pneumonia. I'm going to ... hospital to visit her tomorrow, (a, the, -)

17. Did you pay (by, in, on) check or (by, in, on) cash? - I did it (by, with, in) credit card.

18. Did someone ring? - (It, he, she) was Vicky. She (call) just to say she (arrive) safely.

19. What's (a, the, -) weather like today? - It is much (warm) today than it was yesterday.

20. There's a woman at the door. - Oh, (it's, she's) my aunt Joan.

21. Something (happen). This is the first time he (be) late.

22. It's the only time I ever really (get angry) with him.

23. (Since, for) I've known him, he (wear) the same sweater.

24. The streets of London in 1665 were empty, shops (close) and every house in which there were sick people (shut up) and no one (allow) to go in or out, and the doors of such houses (mark) with a red cross.

25. At night the Great Fire of London could (see) ten miles away.

26. My niece has got mumps. - Oh, dear. Mumps (be) quite a serious illness.

27. She said he (have) to leave until the day after.

28. The man insisted he (not, know) that thing (steal).

29. Perhaps he took the train to work this morning. - Yes, he (might, can, must) have done it.

30. The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realise) how awful it was going to be, I (not, accept) it.

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