![]() Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка КАТЕГОРІЇ: АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія |
ISBN 966–694–004–3Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 709
1. ... (not, disappoint) me! I (count) on you just now. 2. The newspapers reported the working conditions (aggravate) constantly then. 3. As I (buy) some new pictures, I thought my room (look) better after I put them on the walls. 4. The post officials regretted to say that my letter (lose). 5. She was running a high temperature and I (must, had to, can) put her to bed at once. 6. Jeremy became (a, the, -) teacher with (a, the, -) best exam results (among, between, in) her schoolmates. 7. When Joseph began speaking (a, an, the, -) Japanese, she looked (at, on, for) him (in, of, at) amazement. 8. Do you go to (a, an, the, -) school ... foot or ... bus? — It depends ... weather, (on, at, by, in) 9. He seems to know everything. He can answer (some, no, any) question on the subject. 10. John apologized (for, before, to) us (at, from, for) his words. 11. ... you (be told) already when your relatives (come) next week? 12. She has asked the clerk if all the trains (arrive) (on, in, at) time here. 13. I (not, feel) like visiting my relatives this year, so I (not, go). 14. It was announced that a new office block (construct) then. 15. Did you know that you (were to, had, must) prepare a report for the conference? 16. I couldn't pay for ... meal as I had left ... wallet at ... home, (a, an, the, -) 17. At the exhibition you will see (all, something, anything) you haven't met in your life yet. 18. "(At, on, in) accordance (with, to, from) the wishes of my people", the director said, "I am retiring from the company". 19. My son has ... very good German teacher, who knows ... language perfectly, (a, an, the, -) 20. My point of view is similar (with, to, and) yours, but different (out, with, from) Jenny's.
Progress Test 61 (27-60) 1.1 had no idea what (happen) the next day. 2. He was lucky to tell us that he (recover) then. 3. In a week's time I (relax) somewhere far from here. 4. The salary (rise, raise) the previous week. We (wait) for it since Christmas. 5. Van Houten, (which, who, that) was Dutch, was the first person to extract (a, the, -) chocolate from (a, the, —) cacao. 6. ... most people think Christian is ... best racing driver in ... world, (a/an, the, -) 7. He left without saying ... to ... . (something, anything, somebody, anybody) 8. You look upset. Are you ... some sort ... trouble? - Yes, ... a way, I am ... dept. (of, in, at, on) 9. Has ... postman come yet? I am expecting ... letter from my father, (a, an, the, -) 10. Who is responsible in your company (for, at, on) taking the most serious decisions (during, in, on) the talks? 11. Since I (decide) to get a new job I (worry) whether the decision I (take) was the right one. 12. My neighbours (make) so (much, many, a lot) noise at late hours! 13. ... was heard of the book but only ... could read it. (little, much, a few, a lot of) 14. Nothing (hear) from Pauline since her car (steal). 15. (Can, should, may) you be quiet? Some of us (try) to work (on, for, in) the report. 16. She was ... first woman to be elected to ... Parliament, (a, an, the, -) 17. If ... delays you, please, let me know, (anything, something, anywhere) 18. If (some, any, no) questions are asked, it means that (all, every, nobody) of you have understood the topic. 19. Who is ... man in ... black suit, sitting at... head of ... table? (a, an, the, -) 20. They arrived (at, to, in) London (for, on, while) business. 21. ... (not, tell) her about it until she (ask) you. 22. No wonder, you (not, become) slimmer yet. You (eat) sweets all days long. 23. We (not, know) what (happen) to the ship they (sail). Now we (know) the truth. 24. I remember the days when no decision (make) until all the employees (interview). 25. The weather here (is, can, ought to) be awful at this time of the year. 26. I didn't like ... person sitting ... next to me in ... class, (a, an, the, -) 27. There isn't (many, much, few) space in the room. It's stuffed with furniture. 28. If you go to ... end of ... street and turn left, you'll see one of ... architectural masterpieces - ... St. Paul's Cathedral, (a, an, the, -) 29. Actions speak (loud) than words. 30. We are angry (with, for, on) our neighbours (at, for, with) their making so much noise every evening. 31. He is 17 and (leave) school soon. He (be) here for 11 years. 32. The director (tell) me that they (have) a vacancy for a secretary now. 33. I (think) about you all the time since we (part). 34. When I came, the boxes (not, pack) yet. I made everyone (to hurry, hurry) up. 35. He couldn't tell (nobody, anybody, somebody) since when he (know) Jack. 36. There was ... ancient building at ... end of ... street, (a, an, the, -) 37. I am afraid I have not ... news to convey but there are ... things I'd like to add. (much, a little, a few) 38. We arrived ... London ... a bright summer morning, (at, on, in, for) 39. Never speak ill of (a, an, the, -) dead. 40. What were Mike's reasons (in, for, of) giving (out, from, up) his job? 41. Read the text and do the exercises given below. A Great Composer George Frederic Handel was born in Germany in 1684. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and discouraged the boy from studying music in any way. He, in fact, forbade his son to touch any musical instrument whatever. But young George was not one to accept defeat so easily. Being a boy of resourceful mind he smuggled a small clavichord into the garret where he used to amuse himself while the family was asleep. Once the duke while going into the church was surprised at hearing someone playing so well on the organ. What was his amazement when he found in the organ-loft ... a child of seven. It was Handel. After that the duke persuaded the boy's father to place his son under the organist as a pupil. When George was fourteen he far excelled his teacher. It took him a few more years to surpass many outstanding masters in composition as well. First Handel went to Italy where he spent six years living in such towns as Florence, Venice and Rome. While in Florence he produced his opera "Rodrigo". His fame kept steadily spreading and the English nobility did their best to induce him to come to London. After a very warm reception which touched him deeply he decided to make England his permanent residence. Shortly before his death a great misfortune befell him. He was afflicted with total blindness. But disease failed to break Handel's spirit and he continued to perform in public. Like many other great people, Handel was buried in Westminster Abbey. a) Mark the statements which are True. 1. George Frederic Handel was an Englishman. □ 2. Handel's father encouraged his son in studying music. □ 3. Handel had lived in many countries, but he had never visited England. D 4. In spite of his blindness the composer continued to perform in public. □ 5. Handel was buried in Germany. □ b) Write down your answers to the following questions. 1. When and where was Handel born? 2. Handel's father didn't encourage his son's studying music, did he? 3. Who persuaded Handel's father to give music education to the boy? 4. In what foreign countries did Handel live when he became famous? 5. Why did the English nobility do their best to induce him to come to London? 6. What misfortune befell Handel shortly before his death? c) Ask five questions on the text. 42. Make up your sentences using the following words and word combinations on the topic The Republic of Belarus. 1. at the crossroads 6. official languages 2. the arena of many wars 7. heavy and light industry 3. suffer 8. population 4. fight (against, for) 9. proclaim sovereignty 5. produce, grow